April 1, 2009

Does Myspace Think Im Fat?

I can't help to notice that there are countless weight loss adds on my space. How did it come to be such a big deal to be skinny? So many people go on diets for the way they look. I think people should want to eat healthy foods for their health to ensure a long life. Not just to lose weight or to fit into there "skinny" jeans like allot of these ads encourage. These adds tell people to take this little pill, and not to question or even care what these pills could do to you other than make you lose weight. They want you to feel hopeless and overweight and they don't want to suggest exercising and eating whole grains, fruits and vegetables because then you wouldn't buy there products. I bet the people profiting from these companies wouldn't even swallow their own pill. Instead they probably hire nutritionists and lose weight the healthy way. So they live longer, feel better, with your money in there pocket. While YOU grow a beak on your butt from the side effects of their little pills. I now believe if you care enough for yourself you'd want to eat what your body needs to be healthy. I've always been insecure about my weight and over the years I've realized why. This society puts commercials, TV shows, magazines and much more in our faces which makes you think you should look a certain way from an early age. I believed it all once. Now I just want to be healthy. I've tried to learn to love myself over the past couple of years. Why should I sit here and think to myself, oh if only I had a slender tummy, when there are some people out there that wish that they have what I do. Why should we wish for more? If someone always dreamt of being taller and they grew 12 inches, then would they wish they for bigger feet? I think you should learn to love yourself now, the way you are and then you'll be able to love yourself

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